Friday, 13 October 2017

So I found a lump...

Well 2017 has been traumatic to say the least. My Dad was diagnosed with cancer on 1st September and sadly just 8 weeks later on 1st November he was taken from us by this disgusting disease.

During Dad's illness and whilst my husband was away on a trip... I found a lump. That same day - Sunday 8th October -  I discovered that the spots of blood that had been appearing on my pyjama top for a few months had actually been coming from my nipple.


The following day, on my mums birthday,  I called the doctors as soon as they opened and was offered a same day appointment with the nurse. The nurse felt my breast and said she would send me as an urgent referral to the breast clinic. She advised that I would receive an appointment within 2 weeks.

As I left the surgery, tears streamed down my face. I called my husband in Belgium and told him the news. He calmed me down and I headed off to work.

Unfortunately by the time I sat down at my desk my tears would not stop. I headed to the ladies to try and sort myself out but I just felt sick and couldn't catch my breath. I was sent home.

Waiting for the breast clinic appointment to come through felt like forever, although that was just the start of the seemingly constant wait for the 'next step'.

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