Showing posts with label clatterbridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clatterbridge. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

What happens during a radiotherapy planning appointment?

This morning I attending my radiotherapy planning appointment at Liverpool Clatterbridge Centre. I wasn't nervous at all for this one, in fact the only thing that bothered me was that my appointment was at 8.15am - who does that!?!

I gave my name in at reception and waited to be called my one of the nursing team. She took me in to a side room and went through all of my details. I'd already signed a  consent form for my radiotherapy so the nurse went through some health and medication questions with me. After that I was taken in to the CT room for my scan so that the doctor and radiographers can work out the best way to deliver radiation to the area that needs treatment.

The CT scan helps create detailed images of my body to show exactly where the cancer was and how the radiation should be aimed to prevent future re

I hopped on to the bed and I was asked to lie still with my arms above my head in the stirrups.
During the scan a small breathing monitor was placed on my tummy and I was asked to practice holding my breath. It was quite easy and a small screen in front of me showed my breath as a blue line. I needed to keep my breath held for 20 seconds in the green space during the practice. The reason I have to hold my breath is that the area that I am having my radiotherapy on is very close to my heart. Breathing in will ensure that my heart does not get zapped!

Dot worry though, if you cough or cant hold your breath, then as soon as the blue line moves out of the green the radiotherapy automatically stops.

 Once the scan was complete, the team explained that in order to make sure the radiation hits the right spot each time I needed to have three small tattoos (just dots) on my skin as markers. One in the centre (between my boobs) and one on each side - just level with my underams.

The tattoos are tiny and permanent, and will basically guide the radiotherapy team in giving me the correct treatment. The whole process is carefully planned to make sure the radiation targets only the cancerous area and protects the surrounding healthy tissue.